Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I could not be happier to go home to great food and awesome family! As I get older, I look forward to spending time with my family so much more than I did when I was younger. Now I understand why my parents like it so much! I truly enjoy reminiscing about childhood memories and learning new things about my family. I should also learn how to cook more things so I am looking forward to actually partaking in the cooking this year! It's so weird though how our values change as we grow older. I thought my parents were so corny when they would say things like that but I now realize how true it is. I used to look forward to Christmas time as a kid to get so many presents, but what kid doesn't? And now, I look forward to Christmas more just to see my family that comes in from out of town and to spend time with my parents whom I don't get to see that often anymore.

Whatever your plans may be for Thanksgiving, it's spending time with family or just taking some time off to relax, I hope everyone has a very safe and happy holiday! :) 

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