Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Girls Guide To...

After writing my blog yesterday I did some research and actually found another interesting blog that almost proved my point. The blog title was "A Girls Guide To Watching Football." I was almost hoping that this was a joke but in fact it was an article that gave girls types on how to basically 'fake' liking football in order to impress guys. I should have known that there would have been an article out there like this one but I was hoping that the female race would actually prove me wrong.

Maybe I was built differently and it is possible that being fake is just not in my nature but it absolutely boggles my mind that girls try so hard to impress guys. Why would we do that for them when they don't give us that luxury? Guys have no problem burping, farting, picking their nose, or discussing publicly the last time they embraced the porcelain thrown. Guys are hardly ever fake, what you see is what you get. But with girls, it gets a little more complicated. The coverup she lathers on in the morning could be hiding scars from her acne days, her Victoria Secret PINK hoodie could be covering some extra belly fat she is trying to get rid of and the wonders of the world that are hiding in her Michael Khors purse are never to be exposed to the male race. We hide almost everything! And for the things we don't hide, we make-up! Would we much rather be watching the newest episode of Teen Mom instead of pretending to cheer for some sweating guys wearing football gear in colors we don't like covered in bulky helmets so we can't even see how cute they are?!? For most girls the answer is no! But society has trained woman to adapt to the male culture and transform ourselves into something that is more desirable for them, someone who is more accommodating to their lifestyle. We need to be pretty but not wear too much make-up, we need to be smart but not smarter then our boyfriend, successful but not make more money than our significant other, we need to be independent but be there for them when they call, we have to work hard but also find time to cook dinner at the end of the day, we need to be athletic and work out and be somewhat knowledgable in whatever sport they like but don't talk too much when the game is on!

Fact: Being a female today is not as easy as it looks. Yeah sure we might catch some breaks here and there and hopefully our good looks DO give us an advantage! And if that is what we were blessed with in order to off set all of the other hurdles we have to overcome than so be it! We should not have to go out and buy cute football attire or spend the entire day making finger foods for our boyfriends friends so they are content when they are watching the football game, unless of course there is an exception for the very few of us out there that do enjoy watching football. Would you ever catch a guy cutting cheese for our crackers and wine while we gossip over Miranda's heart-aches during Sex and The City? Would he ever spend his limited spare time researching the relationship history of Carrie so that he could be updated and knowledgable for the next time the girls are watching the series together? Granted, us girls would probably never date a guy who did this but why are we being taught 'guides' on how to learn and be more interested in his interests?

Girls, we spend way too much time as it is trying to be the perfect woman that our guy desires. At the end of a long week or a long day if all you want to do is sit down, have a glass of wine, and read the escapades of Chelsea Handler in her new book "Lies Chelsea Handler Told Me" instead of watching the LSU Alabama championship game with a bunch of drunk guys then go right ahead! You have earned it! It takes way too much time to try and impress a guy when at the end of the day he is going to find out who you really are so pretending to be interested in football and know the offense from the defensive is just a waste of time. If you don't like football, give him his time with the guys and spend time doing whatever it is you really want to do!  And for the girls out there who have grown up watching football with their dads since they were 4, continue to enjoy watching the games with your boyfriends but hopefully he likes the same team as your father or Sunday won't be such a fun day!

If my rants and raves have not changed your mind, here is the article on how to pretend to be a football fan for your man!

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