Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Free Online Dating Site

The Free Social Marketplace introduces dating and relations on their site. The 100% free to post and search website was launched in 2010 and primarily focused on commercial real estate. The website quickly transformed into much more and the founders quickly noticed the need for a free legitimate dating site.

MoveThatBlock.com is based out of Albany, NY but also has free online dating and profiles from all over the country. The goal of the dating site is to build interactions and facilitate real connections. The dating site has features such as chat which allows people to talk to each other while they are online. Each dating profile has the capability of uploading pictures and videos. When someone goes to view anthers profile, the pictures are displayed as a slideshow. In your profile, you can write a little bit about yourself and give others some basic information about yourself.

The newest feature on our dating site is the ability to rate other profiles. The rating scale is recorded by a measure of stars and once someone is rated you can't tell who rated you. This allows others to give someone a great rating without them knowing. This gives people a chance to know what others think about them without causing confrontation.

Other dating sites are swamped with spam but MoveThatBlock.com is dedicated to monitoring their site and getting rid of spammers. Their new campaign is going to heighten security and prevent any spam from being on the site.

The dating site on MoveThatBlock.com is 100% free to post and search. The free social marketplace is there for all of life's biggest decisions!

1 comment:

  1. Big Thanks to move that block . I think im gonna like this Check out my profile http://movethatblock.com/match/profiles/739
