So as I sit here on a Saturday morning having my coffee I open my laptop and find some work e-mails and things I have to get done before the day begins. This is what I woke up thinking about and was actually my reasoning for getting out of bed! To some, this might seem like a hassle or annoyance on their weekend but I throughly enjoy getting up and having something to do! For me, I feel like there is no time or day when I am done working. There is always something I could be doing or researching or reading up on. There is nothing like the sense of accomplishment you feel after getting something done before you even need a refill on your coffee!
I began my career at the age of fourteen as a paper girl. I delivered the daily and Sunday paper to my entire block for a whole year before I found a job at a local restaurant. Working over breaks and on weekends put me through college and then two days after graduation I began my career. I have always been work driven and I honestly enjoy working before anything else in life! Working motivates me and it always drives me to do better. But now looking back, I missed out on a lot of things. As a paper girl I missed many slumber parties with friends, working weekends made me miss out on the college parties and landing a job right out of college didn't allow me much time to rest up after my grueling finals! How are other people able to maintain the balance in life with such a busy schedule? I can't imagine how my parents did it! If I were to bring children into this world how I would be able to find time for my morning coffee and work routine!
To me, this lifestyle is what I have worked so hard for! I have the job of my dreams that I would do anything for! So to me, I just don't understand how are people able to step away for the weekend and take work off the brain? I guess this ambition to always work comes with passion and drive for a job but is it always healthy to work all the time? In my opinion, work is number one priority but to many this is not the case. Is there a right or wrong way? I know that there needs to be a balance but I am young and lucky to have such a wonderful job when so many people are not even employed. We all have different opinions in life and mine is if more people worked harder and spent less time complaining about it, than this whole climbing out of a recession might not take as long! So for now I will continue to have my coffee on Saturday mornings while getting some work done and enjoying sharing my opinions on my blog because that is what I love to do :)
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