Tuesday, November 1, 2011

It's November already?!? When did that happen?!?

Where have the months gone?!? Halloween came and went without any sign of fall, it just went straight from spring to winer! I ran to Target yesterday at the last minute to pick up candy for our little trick or treaters and there was already Christmas decorations out on the shelves. Where did this year go? It seems like just yesterday I was walking the stage with thoughts of fear and doubt that I would never find a job, but now here I am, already quit one terrible job to move on to a much better place and most definitely my dream job!
Right out of college I was offered a job, I was so thrilled because most of my classmates were moving back home to find work which was not an easy task and no one seemed to have any success. I immediately took the offer which I would soon realize was a terrible mistake. I soon dreaded going into the office and counted the minutes until I could leave work! Now, most people would say "Lucky you, you got a job in a recession" or "Beggars can't be choosers" but they were wrong as well. I took a job because I thought I was lucky, but it wasn't the job I wanted. What I did get out of it was good experience but having to quit was not an easy task and especially at such a young age! What I did learn is that you should not take the first opportunity that falls into your lap and you should be skeptical of an offer that may seem too good to be true because most likely it is!
What I can tell my classmates and colleagues is that the business world is much different than college life. No one has your back and you have to fend for yourself. When you are on an interview process, you are not only being interviewed for the job, you are interviewing them to figure out if that is the type of place you want to work for. Beware of warning signs and unreachable expectations.
There is a silver lining to my story! I thought I was going to be stuck in that position but since I did a lot of networking and got my name out there I was lucky enough to be contacted by another employer who had seen my hard work and offered me a much better position with a much better company! I am now working for a company that is also helping others find their dream job which is really rewarding.
At the end of the day, my advice is to never stop looking, you never know when a job might fall into your lap. Also, post your resume up on as many sites and network as much as you can. If you do this, one day you could be as lucky as me :)

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